The Daily Writing Coach is back after a year's hiatus. I have been writing during the past 12 months, though not here, and dealing with life issues that pushed the TDWC onto the back burner. I don't use this blog to chat about personal matters too much, but a changed marital status--the big D, one of life's major stressors--and health matters--another major stressor in the form of disability problems, upcoming surgery, possibly the big C, though the easily curable one--took the focus away from my passion and onto practical matters.
My exciting news is that I've been accepted to the Squaw Valley Writers Conference and I leave Saturday for a week to immerse myself in nature and writing and expect to return fully recharged. Or, overwhelmed by the amount of work my almost completed novel still needs.
I celebrate a birthday at Squaw, which, because of recent life events, I am regarding as a new beginning. What better way to celebrate a resurgence is for me to reconnect with my writing life in a major way. To start, TDWC will appear three times a week, with a post, a writing prompt and, on Friday's, a writing tip.
I have plans to migrate the blog to a website and I hope you will stay with me as I complete the transition. I'll keep you posted on that progress.
Writing projects this past year have included the start of a mystery, something I have always fantasized about writing but never had the courage. At my age, though, what better time than RIGHT NOW do anything. I have worked on a children's story for my beloved great-nephew, Michael, 9 1/2, and he is truly great in every respect, and so far (it is half-finished) he has given it a thumbs up. I have also worked with writing and coaching clients and have been privileged to read the work of the gifted women in my writing group.
But now it is time to return to my beloved blog. Please keep in touch and let me know what you have been doing since our last visit. The next post you receive will be from Squaw. Wish me luck!
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