I do practice what I preach. I have been writing every day since my last blog post in January, I just haven't been blogging about it.
This is an "if I can do it, you can" post.
Since December, I have published seven ebooks on Kindle. I've sold about 1500 books, plus or minus and made a bit of money. By Amazon terms, they all hit the best seller lists.
But additional perks include finding myself in a wonderfully supportive community of writers-authors as Amazon calls us, or publishers, and seeing the tallies add up every day knowing there is some Amazon love for me.
I intend to write more about Kindle, about having my prejudices about self-publishing shot to pieces, about moving from the safe tried and true for me--cookbooks-to publishing fiction and my foray into writing and illustrating children's books. Writing the kids books has completely rejuvenated me, as well as astonished me. While I can usually put together a few sentences on almost anything, I never though I could write for children and have never been able to draw anything, ever.
If nothing else, Kindle has been a terrific restorative to my creative passions at a time when my physical abilities were at a low ebb. I started the first book six weeks after open heart surgery and have slogged through various illnesses since, the Kindle books giving me a new lease on life. I know that is a cliche, but it is true. So I will nudge you get your work out there, because (you know the drill) if I can do it, you can.
For tonight, it is late as I write this, I will post my books. But I will commence promoting Kindle/ebooks as another way to challenge yourselves as writers and enjoy the thrill of seeing your work in print. So here is my Kindle Bookshelf:
Welcome back to your blog. I'm always in awe of your writing versatility -- whether it's about cooking or farting. Both lead to good health!